
 STRuster results: 55700

 SCOP 1.71 classification
Class: Alpha and beta proteins (a+b)
Fold: Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases
Superfamily: Class II aaRS and biotin synthetases
Family: Class II aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase (aaRS)-like, catalytic domain
Protein: Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase (AspRS)
Species: Thermus thermophilus, AspRS-1
Species SCOP sunid: 55700

 Set description
Number of entries: 6
SCOP Entries: d1g51a3 d1l0wb3 d1g51b3 d1efwb3 d1l0wa3 d1efwa3
Alignment File: 55700.alig
Aligned Sequences: 55700_alig.fasta

 Hierarchical clustering

Dissimilary matrix: 55700_dissim_matrix.txt

 Atom Distance Standard Deviation Plots
 S matrix: Distance Standard Deviation
distance standard deviation
Higher resolution plot
S matrix

 T matirx: Total Standard Deviation
distance+sus standard deviation
Higher resolution plot
T matrix

 R matrix: Relative Distance Standard Deviation
relative distance standard deviation
Higher resolution plot
R matrix

 Hinges and Invariant Regions (T)
Alignment Nr[(67, 74), (120, 127), (324, 338), (355, 357), (393, 395), (473, 475)]
Uniprot Nr [(172, 179), (225, 232), (429, 443), (460, 462), (498, 500), (578, 580)]

 Invariant Regions
Alignment Nr[(0, 66), (75, 119), (128, 323), (358, 392), (396, 472)]
Uniprot Nr[(105, 171), (180, 224), (233, 428), (463, 497), (501, 577)]
Rasmol Script55700_superp_1.rsm
View in Jmol
Alignment Nr[(128, 323), (339, 354), (358, 392)]
Uniprot Nr[(233, 428), (444, 459), (463, 497)]
Rasmol Script55700_superp_2.rsm
View in Jmol