
 STRuster results: 50654

 SCOP 1.71 classification
Class: All beta proteins
Fold: Acid proteases
Superfamily: Acid proteases
Family: Pepsin-like
Protein: Acid protease
Species: Baker's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), proteinase A
Species SCOP sunid: 50654

 Set description
Number of entries: 10
SCOP Entries: d1fmxa_ d2jxra_ d1fmxb_ d1fq6a_ d1fq8a_ d1fq5a_ d1g0va_ d1dp5a_ d1fq7a_ d1fmua_
Alignment File: 50654.alig
Aligned Sequences: 50654_alig.fasta

 Hierarchical clustering

Dissimilary matrix: 50654_dissim_matrix.txt

 Atom Distance Standard Deviation Plots
 S matrix: Distance Standard Deviation
distance standard deviation
Higher resolution plot
S matrix

 T matirx: Total Standard Deviation
distance+sus standard deviation
Higher resolution plot
T matrix

 R matrix: Relative Distance Standard Deviation
relative distance standard deviation
Higher resolution plot
R matrix

 Hinges and Invariant Regions (T)
Alignment Nr[(0, 0), (74, 80), (108, 111), (160, 164), (204, 208), (242, 256)]
Uniprot Nr [(77, 77), (150, 156), (184, 187), (236, 240), (280, 284), (318, 332)]

 Invariant Regions
Alignment Nr[(1, 73), (81, 107), (112, 159), (165, 203), (209, 241), (257, 329)]
Uniprot Nr[(77, 149), (157, 183), (188, 235), (241, 279), (285, 317), (333, 405)]
Rasmol Script50654_superp_1.rsm
View in Jmol