
 STRuster results: 50551

 SCOP 1.71 classification
Class: All beta proteins
Fold: Trypsin-like serine proteases
Superfamily: Trypsin-like serine proteases
Family: Eukaryotic proteases
Protein: Coagulation factor VIIa
Species: Human (Homo sapiens)
Species SCOP sunid: 50551

 Set description
Number of entries: 11
SCOP Entries: d1cvwh_ d1j9ch_ d1dvah_ d1klih_ d1danh_ d1jbuh_ d1qfkh_ d1fakh_ d1dvai_ d1o5dh_ d1kljh_
Alignment File: 50551.alig
Aligned Sequences: 50551_alig.fasta

 Hierarchical clustering

Dissimilary matrix: 50551_dissim_matrix.txt

 Atom Distance Standard Deviation Plots
 S matrix: Distance Standard Deviation
distance standard deviation
Higher resolution plot
S matrix

 T matirx: Total Standard Deviation
distance+sus standard deviation
Higher resolution plot
T matrix

 R matrix: Relative Distance Standard Deviation
relative distance standard deviation
Higher resolution plot
R matrix

 Hinges and Invariant Regions (T)
Alignment Nr[(0, 10), (45, 64), (131, 189), (211, 219)]
Uniprot Nr [(213, 223), (258, 277), (344, 402), (424, 432)]

 Invariant Regions
Alignment Nr[(11, 44), (65, 130), (190, 210), (220, 253)]
Uniprot Nr[(224, 257), (278, 343), (403, 423), (433, 466)]
Rasmol Script50551_superp_1.rsm
View in Jmol